Your Appointment

What should I bring to my first appointment?

A referral letter from your optometrist, GP or specialist. This is required for you to claim back some of the cost of your visit from Medicare.
Your Medicare card and Private Health fund information.
A list of your usual medications, including any eye drops that you currently use.
Your current spectacle or contact lens prescription.

NOTE: If your appointment is for cataract surgery or refractive surgery (i.e. LASIK, PRK, ICL or refractive lens exchange) please do not wear your contact lens for 1 week (for soft contact lens) or 2 weeks (for hard contact lens) before your consultation.

What can I expect at my first appointment?

If this is your first appointment, you will be asked to fill in a registration form on arrival. You may download and complete the form and email it to or complete the electronic registration form below before your appointment to save time on the day of consultation.

You will then see one of our orthoptist who will perform an initial assessment which includes:

Taking a full eye and medical history.
Checking your vision and eye pressure.
Checking the prescription of your glasses and assessing your refraction.

If clinically required our orthoptist will also perform additional tests.

Our orthoptist may also instill eye drops in your eyes to dilate your pupils so that your doctor can examine the inside of your eye. This will make your vision blurry for a few hours, therefore we recommend that you do not drive home after your appointment.

Please allow 1-2 hours for your initial consultation.